
News 2013



Grampian Foal Show - 14th December

This was our final show of 2013 show season.Laithehill Jazmine won the small Breeds foal class with Blackrose Fancyman 2nd. They both then went champion and Reserve Small breeds and finally Jazmine went overall M & M Champion.
After amazing year in 2013,we look forward to 2014. 


RIP Tullibardine Sunfloret(1990 - 2013) - 9th December

Today was a very sad day for us at Goldenwood,having to make the decision to say goodbye to our very loved old Section A mare Flower.she was such a character and will be sorely missed. She has bred some beautiful offspring over the years and bred some lovely section B's.
She will live on in her offspring and we so look forward to her daughter Goldenwood Showgirl's foal in 2014 by Georgie Boy.

Run Free old girl with no pain now



SWPCA Winter Show - 10th November

Another early start for the SWPCA winter show held at the stunning Ingliston Equestrian centre.
Decided just to take the 3 foals Cadlanvalley Sweet Elation(Sweetie),Blackrose  Fancyman(Bryn) and Laithehill Jazmine(Jazmine).

First in was Bryn in a very strong Section A foal class,we were chuffed to bits when he was 2nd and had some lovely comments from the judge.
The 2 fillies Sweetie and Jazmine were in next in the section B foal class and Sweetie again excelled herself maintaining her unbeaten record in breed classes and Jazmine although not quite in show condition held her own and was a respectable 4th.
The championships were held in the afternoon as glitzy afternoon performances and both Sweetie and Bryn loved the atmosphere of main ring and Sweetie went onto be Champion foal, followed Overall Welsh Youngstock champion and again in the overall In hand supreme she just lifted and made that main ring her own and trotting her wee socks off and we were over the moon when Sweetie was pulled forward Supreme In Hand of the show emulating Georgie Boy's wins in the supreme the 2 previous years.
A long day was had but well worth it and eventually got home at 10pm.






NSWPCA Winter Show - 3rd November

Well we ventured out in the horrendous weather conditions today and it didnt improve all day. Both foals did us proud. Cadlanvalley Sweet Elation(Sweetie) won her B foal class and Blackrose Fancyman(Bryn) was 2nd in his class then went reserve champion foal then reserve overall Youngstock. What a wee star he was.



Puddledub Foal & Youngstock Show - 13th October

Had another good day with Cadlanvalley Sweet Elation(Sweetie) winning a very strong welsh foal class and going Reserve Champion Welsh and Blackrose fancyman(Bryn) was contesting his first ever show and was 4th to sweetie.Pleased with both our babies.  



Brechin Castle Autumn Show - 5th October

We took Cadlanvalley Sweet Elation to her first show and she was so well behaved and a total show off. She won her small breeds M & M Youngstock class then went overall In Hand M & M champion. A great start to her show career.



Puddledub Show - 11th August

Took Georgie along. He won his small beeds youngstock class and went M&M champion, he then also won the 2 tone class and got champion of that section. Another good day.

Kinross Show - 10th August

Took Georgie along for a day out. Show has moved venue since we were last there and now has a much bigger layout, last agricultural show of the season for us.
Classes were good with some nice ponies there. Georgie won his class and went M&M champion.

Turriff Show - 4th August 2013

Took the 2 yearlings out for the day, as usual Turriff was busy and buzzy.
Tiptoes did her CHAPS youngstock class and was 1st, good result as a strong class. Next was the SHP yearling class which again she won.
Lexi was in the small breeds yearling class, again a good class which she won.
Tiptoes enjoyed the parade especially when the brass band started up right beside us lol.
Thats the 2 of them finished for the season, both have done us proud.

Royal Welsh Show 22-25 July 2013

Wow!! what a week.
Set off late Friday night, 12 hours later arrived at the Royal Welsh showground at Builth Wells. The ponies bounced off the lorry, Royal Welsh showtime! The weather was amazing for the week, truly felt we were on holiday.
Monday was our first day showing, Tiptoes was in the coloured yearling class and was 8th in a big class.
Wednesday was Georgie's day, he rose to the occassion and loved that main ring making it his own. Couldn't believe it when he was pulled in first, this has always been my dream, I was so proud of my golden boy. Tears were shed, Georgie had won his class at the Royal Welsh !!!!
Thursday saw DI & Tiptoes in the ring. This was the last time I was showing Di and she was 16th in a large barren mare class. Alison showed Tiptoes in the PBW yearling class to get 5th.
There were more tears later on Thursday when Di left for her new home in France, I will miss her so much.
Friday morning saw our 2 new stud additions being delivered, Bluerock Bramble and her lovely filly foal, Cadlanvalley Sweet Elation, very pleased with them. We set off home still in disbelief that we were taking a Royal Welsh winner home.
What a week, what a show!!!


photo by Ingrid Delaitre


Photo by Ann Fisher



Scottish Coloured Horse Show 7th July 2013

Took Georgie & Tiptoes to the Scottish Coloured Horse Show, what a lovely show in a super setting.
Georgie strutted his stuff and won the two toned youngstock class then went section champion.
Tiptoes had a good day and did well winning the sportspony class also the yearling class.




Royal Highland Show - 21st and 23rd June

Had a very early rise on Friday morning, Highland Show time! Had a good journey down & picked up some friends enroute, making for a good sociable day. First in was Di shown by Lynne, she showed beautifully and was placed 2nd in a large barren mare class. Lexi's class (yearling Sect Bs)was straight after so Alison showed her, she went sweetly in the ring to get 2nd. Lynne was in straight after with Georgie (god we were busy!) for the 2&3yo colt class which he won. Next was the championship, Georgie was pulled forward in the top 3 but sadly it wasnt his day and he ended up 2nd reserve.Judging by the response we have had since if it had gone to a ringside vote he would have got it. He was truly stunning and loved the main ring.

We returned to the show on the Saturday evening with Tiptoes having
 been given a stable for the night as we couldn't face another 3am start and 20 hour day. It was much more relaxing and we enjoyed our stay.Tiptoes was in the non native yearling class, she was the smallest by far but held her own and got 2nd in a good class.

So thats the Highland been and gone for another year







Another New Purchase - Rosedust Class Act

We are so excited at the newest addition to Goldenwood Stud in the lovely Chestnut Section B Colt foal Rosedust Class Act,he will be joining the stud in October.
He is by Moelview Masquerade(Moelview Prince Charming x Moelview Ciri) out of Waxwing Matinee(Eyarth Beau Geste x Wedderlie Martina).



NSWPCA Bronze Rosette Show - 15th June

Had a fab day showing today.Paddock Dianthus was champion Welsh Section B and won her WPCS Bronze medal rosette.Bronheulog Alexia was Section B youngstock champion and reserve champion B to Di then went Reserve Overall Youngstock champion. 



NPS Scottish Summer Show - 8th June

I could really get used to this going to a show and having glorious weather,even though it was a bit hot.
Bronheulog Alexia won her class and went Reserve Champion section B just missing out on her bronze medal.
Paddock Dianthus was 3rd in a strong class just not the judges type.



SWPCA Bronze Medal Show - 2nd June

Had another good day.Cadlanvalley Georgie Boy was champion section B winning his Bronze medal under Harold Zoet from Holland and was also Reserve supreme Youngstock and then with an NPS judge won the NPS Silver Medal rosette over the supreme and reserve supreme of show.
Paddock Dianthus was Reserve Adult Section B then went onto be Reserve Supreme Adult welsh of show.
Tullibardine Tiptoes won her coloured class and went section champion and was also 2nd in her part bred welsh class. 
The weather was very sunny and a very sociable day albeit a long day leaving and 5am in morning and getting home after 8pm. 


Photo by Peter Page




Georgie Boy is going to be a daddy - 30th May

Georgie Boy is going to be a daddy,both Goldenwood Madonna & Goldenwood Showgirl are scanned in foal to him for 2014


Paddock Dianthus bound for France

After much deliberation I have sold my gorgeous mare Paddock Dianthus to Anais Lefebvre in France.I will miss this lovely mare so much but will be showing her for Anais till the Royal Welsh.Di you will need to polish up on your french.



Fife Agricultural Show - 18th May

First of 2013 shows early starts,up at 4am and headed off to Fife Show in very windy conditions.
Took just 2 ponies today to make it an easy day.Cadlanvalley Georgie Boy was on his first show outing in 7 months and was a good boy considering he has been covering mares. He was 2nd to Waxwing Maggie May and judge said he was not as settled as the winner. strange comment when he's a colt and she's a filly.
Tullibardine Tiptoes won a strong coloured non native all age class and went Reserve Champion.We were over the moon with her result
Bit of a hairy journey home in strong winds and heavy rain,was a bit of a white knuckle ride keeping lorry upright on Tay bridge,was closed 5 mins later to high sided vehicles.




Inchcoonans Spring Show - 12th May

To fill in a gap before our main shows get started we took the 2 yearling down to Inchcoonans for their Spring show and to give Lexi a bit more education.
Bronheulog Alexia(Lexi) won her M and M youngstock class and went Reserve Champion in her section to a Top class welsh part bred ridden show pony.Tullibardine Tiptoes won a very good class of Coloured youngstock. Very well supported show with some very big classes.




Brechin Summer Show - 5th May

Well our show season finally got off to a good start after a few hiccups with our lorry. We took 3 ponies today,Bronheulog Alexia(lexi) won her class and went overall M & M Champion at her first ever show,Paddock Dianthus (Di) won her class and finally Tullibardine Tiptoes was Reserve Champion Coloured and also won her part bred and hunter pony classes.




Cadlanvalley Sweet Elation - New Purchase

We are delighted to anounce we have purchased another lovely foal from Cadlanvalley. Her name is Cadlanvalley Sweet Elation by Russetwood Elation out of Blue Rock Bramble, she is a stunning palomino filly who we cant wait to get in September



Anri Etoile - 7th April

Anri Etoile(Tilly) went off to a lovely new home today,we wish Rebekah the best of luck with her and will hopefully see her out and about at the shows


Goldenwood Showgirl Returns - 3rd March

Very exciting news that Goldenwood Showgirl will be returning to us at Goldenwood stud. She is a lovely mare who I have always regretted selling and she will be covered by Georgie Boy in 2013. 



Royal Northern Spring Show - 27th February

Well this was our first show of 2013 and things didnt get off to a good start with lorry brake warning light coming on through aberdeen. we got to show with a rather horrible smell of back brakes seizing. We had a good day Anri Etoile was 2nd in a good class and was very well behaved at her first ever show.Tullibardine Tiptoes won her class and was definately on her toes today. had another nightmare journey home with the front brakes now seizing. lets just say its not good for lorries to sit for months not moving.





A Beautiful Drawing of Georgie Boy by Cassie James - 19th January



Welcome 2013

Happy New Year From Alison and I and all the ponies at Goldenwood.Lets hope it's a good year.


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